Apparent Loss Reduction
Apparent Loss Reduction
Great Place to Start for Non-Revenue Water
Apparent Loss Reduction program targets water that is being consumed and not recognised as revenue. The program identifies metering, data, process and behavioural contributors to Apparent Loss and provides a clear action plan to reduce these contributors. The Data Intelligence Service combined with our domain expertise helps to maximise the efforts of the teams focusing on real loss activity.

Starting Place
Apparent Loss
There is typically a wealth of data available for apparent losses compared to real losses. This data can be analyzed to identify patterns, detect anomalies, and pinpoint areas where improvements can be made. The cost to rectify issues related to apparent loss is often significantly lower than addressing real losses, such as repairing aging infrastructure or replacing faulty pipes. This means that implementing measures to mitigate apparent losses can yield relatively quick and cost-effective results. Since apparent losses involve water that is consumed but not accurately measured or billed, the financial recovery can include not only the marginal cost of water but also the potential profit from accurate billing. This dual benefit makes focusing on apparent loss an attractive strategy to optimize revenue generation and water resource management.
Apparent Loss Program
100+ years of metering expertise combined with 20+ years of real-field development of the Data Intelligence Service analyses billions points of data to identify how the meters are contributing to Non-Revenue Water.
Identifying potential data issues from meter reading, billing, data loggers, sensors through to Hydraulic Modelling and Geographical Information Systems allows to rectify mis-reporting of Non-Revenue Water.
Analyses process that create potential data issues to rectify at the data problems at the root cause.
Identify behaviours that could be contributing to non-revenue water such as unauthorised consumption and theft.
“Splitting Water Balance into Apparent and Real Loss empowers more effective Resource Allocation”
Avoid Chasing Ghosts
Optimise Efforts to Reduce Non-Revenue Water
Focusing solely on real losses without understanding the magnitude of apparent losses is akin to sending Non-Revenue Water teams on a wild goose chase. It is essential to have a comprehensive understanding of both real and apparent losses to effectively manage and reduce non-revenue water. Neglecting apparent losses can lead to misguided efforts and resources being allocated inefficiently. Identifying apparent losses can sometimes be as simple as ensuring that the Geographical Information System (GIS) is up to date. Outdated or incomplete GIS data can result in inaccuracies in metering, billing, and consumption monitoring, leading to apparent losses.

Water is Life
Achieving the optimum economic level of Non-Revenue Water delivers a sustainable water supply pivotal to achieving SDG 3

Our Core
Implement Digital Twins, increase awareness, clarity and focus to achieve SDG 6

Save Water, Save Energy
Empowering users of water to use less water and energy to achieve SDG 7

Fund infrastructure replacements and extend the lifetime of existing infrastructure to achieve SDG 9

Water's Impact
Eliminate the noise of Apparent Loss to focus to deliver on SDG 11

Use Less
Hold Every Drop of Water Accountable for how and where it is being used to achieve SDG 12

Minimise Field Trips and Empower Customers to use less to achieve SDG 13
I have some questions?
Common questions you may have.
The Apparent Loss Reduction program looks at all the contributors to Apparent Loss including meters. Whereas the Metering Analysis is focused on analysing the meters and their accuracy. The Apparent Loss Reduction Program can be a global program or is focused on District Metered Areas, whereas the Metering Analysis typically focuses on segments of the metering fleet.
Meters are an important part of Apparent Loss and having an accurate fleet helps to keep apparent loss low. However, apparent loss incorporates the broader data, process and behaviour contributors that contribute significantly to Non-Revenue Water.
Have you ever discovered by accident a large customer using significant amount of water that wasn’t measured? Do you have fire services that are unmeasured? Or did you discover that the data in your models was missing connections? If yes, then Apparent Loss Reduction will help your Water Utility.
Where a Water Utility has deployed metering and often digital metering, they have far more data to accurately address Apparent Loss. The meters are already deployed, whereas for real loss, Utilities often have to deploy additional sensors that don’t have the durability and maintenance free capability of the meters.
Apparent Loss can be as high as 75% and on average between 25% and 40% of Non-Revenue Water. In addition Apparent Loss can have a stronger return on investment because it incorporates both cost and margin of the water. Apparent Loss is often lower cost to rectify, faster and less disruptive to both the Water Utility and the Community.
Simply, because we can address Apparent Loss it leads to more effective utilise of our people and capital to reduce real losses.
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